ന്യൂട്രോനിന്റെ വേഗത നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്ന ഭാഗമാണ് മോഡറേറ്റര്...
ഗ്രാഫൈറ്റ് , ഘനജലം എന്നിവയാണ് സാധാരണ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന മോഡറേറ്റര്
ഇതു കേരളത്തിലെ സ്കൂള് ഫിസിക്സ് അധ്യാപകരുടെ ഒരു കൂട്ടായ്മയാണ്..... നമ്മുടെ പഠന പ്രശ്നങ്ങള്, ബോധന രീതികള്, മറ്റു ഭൌതികശാസ്ത്രപരമായ എല്ലാ കാര്യങ്ങളും നമുക്കിവിടെ ചര്ച്ച ചെയ്യാം...... നമ്മുടെ ക്രിയാത്മക ചിന്തകളുടെ പ്രതിഫലനവും, പ്രതിധ്വനിയും, അനുനാദവും, വിസരണവും ഒക്കെ ഉന്നത വോള്ട്ടതയിലുള്ള ഊര്ജ്ജ പ്രവാഹങ്ങള് സൃഷ്ടിക്കും എന്ന പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് , നമുക്കു പരസ്പരം അറിവിന്റെ നിര്മ്മിതിയിലെ കൈത്താങ്ങുകളാകാം.......
![]() | Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences. It is concerned with the most basic building blocks of all things - from ants to antennas, from quarks to quasars. The study of physics means trying to find out what the universe is made of, and how these things move and interact with each other. So in one sense, all the other sciences are built on the knowledge gained through the study of physics. |
![]() | Physics is beautiful. Physicists love simplicity. They are constantly striving to find the most fundamental ideas that can be used to describe even the most complex of phenomena. For example Newton found that only a very small number of concepts could be used to describe just about all of the mechanical world - from steam engines to the motion of the planets. Not only is this beautiful, it's downright amazing! |
![]() | Physics teaches you to think. This might seem like a strange statement. The study of all subjects teach you to think. But because physics deals with the most basic concepts, the application of such techniques as "Separation of Variables" and "The Scientific Method" are never more clear than they are in the study of physics. Once mastered you will find that these methods can be applied to all subjects, including the business world and just coping with everyday life. |
![]() | Physics is a creative subject. The concepts of physics don't come easily. Someone has to come up with a theory to begin with. This is just as much a creative process as composing music. But where physics, and science in general, differ from the Arts is that no one will accept your theory unless you have some way of testing its validity. Experimental physicists sometimes have to be enormously creative in coming up with methods of testing theories and measuring things in the world around them. For example, how do you tell that there is a planet orbiting a star that is so far away that it appears as nothing more than a spec of light in even the most powerful telescopes? |
![]() | Physics gives you a new appreciation of the world around you. You can look a rainbow and say "Wow, pretty colours!", or you can marvel at the amazing interactions between photons and electrons that come together in that particular way when light from the sun strikes spherical water droplets in the sky, and that you perceive as a multicolored arc suspended in the air. Now that's awe! |
![]() | Physics is fun. Lastly, studying physics gives you the opportunity of playing with a lot of really cool toys! |